79. Practice videos: Nicola Negro - Minas What is happening in the training gyms around the world? Today we have Nicola Negro reviewing 3 of his practice sessions.
78. Francesco Petrella: Between Stimulus and Response, The Space to Lead Francesco Petrella's passion for volleyball, along with an expertise in team culture and leadership, and his experiences in the Italian Superlega, make him the perfect coach to have an interview with.
77. Practice videos: Mark Lebedew - Friedrichshafen What is happening in the training gyms around the world? Today we have Mark Lebedew reviewing one of his practices.
76. Dan Fisher: I just want to win the day. Dan Fisher is the head coach of the University of Pittsburgh women's volleyball team. In the last 11 seasons, he propelled Pitt volleyball into the highest national ranks.
75. Practice videos: Dave Shondell - Purdue University What is happening in the training gyms around the world? Today we have Purdue's head coach Dave Shondell reviewing one of their practices.
74. Practice videos: Luka Slabe - NC State University What is happening in the training gyms around the world? Today we have NC State's head coach Luka Slabe reviewing one of their practices.
73. Practice videos: Luka Slabe - Whiteboard session What is actually happening in the training gyms around the world? Today we have NC State's head coach Luka Slabe going over his practice organization.